Saturday, December 25, 2010

Feliz Navidad!

Hi Everyone, Feliz Navidad to those of you who celebrate! Hope you had a happy & blessed Christmas. I'm lounging around & taking it easy. I thought I'd try blogging from my iPhone, since I've never done it before. I couldn't publish this post from my iPhone because there was a problem with the photo, so I still haven't blogged from my phone.

Here's a picture of our tree. I used the Hipstamic app on my iPhone for the picture.

The Little Guy had fun tracking Santa last night on NORAD's Santa website. He loved all his gifts (mainly Legos). He's been a really good kid.

This morning I baked Pioneer Woman's recipe for cinnamon rolls; oh my...delicious! Did you see her recently on the Today Show making this recipe? I'm going to make them every Christmas morning from now on; they are that good.

Have a good one!


  1. that is a beautiful photo! And your cards are so pretty as always. Merry Christmas and a happy new year Anthonette!

  2. I love that photo... it's awesome! And cinnamon rolls, I can't make them often because then I would eat them, and eat them, and eat them. Yes, I'm bad. LOL! I've totally splurged on bad food this holiday season, but I only make this stuff once a year! I think making the cinnamon rolls a Christmas tradition is a great idea. Happy New Year! =)

  3. Aren't those photo apps fun?!?!


Thanks for the kind words!