Tuesday, December 21, 2010

And the Winner of the $25 Kiva Gift Card....

... is Sarah Martina Parker! I emailed you your $25 Kiva Gift Card.

This morning bright and early I drove to a new Target store near me. To show you how much I don't shop, the store has been open since mid-October and this was my first time visiting. Since I was sleep-deprived, I decided to get in line for a non-fat peppermint mocha caffeine boost at the Starbucks located in the store. Three people were ahead of me. The woman paying for her coffee announced that she was buying drinks for the 3 of us in line behind her; how incredibly sweet is that? This is the first time I've received a random act of kindness like this. It totally made my day and I actually enjoyed shopping. I was there for 2 hours. The store was very empty, which made it even nicer.

Go out and have a great day and be inspired to create your own random act of kindness!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to the winner!!!! Happy Holidays!!!!!!! Kisses for you! :)


Thanks for the kind words!