Sunday, April 10, 2011

Our View of Paradise This Week

We flew to Maui yesterday. Here's our view for the coming week. I love this place! I first visited Maui over 20 years ago and fell in love with it. It's been 4 years since our last visit and I've missed it.

As I type, there's a gecko on the wall behind the TV. Kalino is not thrilled and wants it out now, but we're trying to explain that the gecko just wants to find a meal. It will leave on it's own to find food outside.

I'm having lunch tomorrow with Jen Tapler. We've been blogging friends for about 3 years. We've talked on the phone before, but I look forward to actually meeting her.

Last week I found out I have a first cousin that lives on Maui. He's flying back from New Mexico tomorrow, so I'm going to give him a call and make time to see him.

While waiting for our luggage at the baggage claim, a little kid next to me turned around. I recognized him! He said "Hi, Mrs. Chavez". He's a first grader at Kalino's school! I volunteer in the library when he comes in each week. I met his mom and aunt. During their layover in Honolulu they also saw a 2nd grade teacher from our school. Small world, isn't it?

I wish you well in your part of the world. Later!


  1. Can. not. wait. for our lunch date tomorrow!! And tell Kalino a gecko in your house brings you good luck! And he can listen for the little clicking sound they make at night, which means they're "talking"! I'll call you in the morning!! Aloha! :-)

  2. Have a super time in Hawaii!!!


Thanks for the kind words!