Tuesday, April 12, 2011

10 Years Ago Today...

... I married this sweet man on a beach here in Maui in 2001. Can I just say, eloping was one of the best decisions ever! No stress and no major expense.

We are celebrating our 10th anniversary here in our favorite place. Besides being married here, we gave our son a Hawaiian name; that's how much we love Maui! I was 6 months pregnant when we vacationed here in 2003 as our last celebration before becoming parents. Leaving the Kahului airport, we finalized Kalino as the choice for the Little Guy. Kalino means "bright one".

I intended to make an anniversary card for my husband using this picture, but I ran out of time.

Yesterday I was totally thrilled to finally meet Jen Tapler! We started blogging at the same time 3 years ago. I've known who she was since then. I got to see her very nice studio space. We went to lunch at Flatbread Company in Paia. Awesome pizza, salad, and the best sugar cane root beer. I had a lot of fun talking with her.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. awww! What a sweet photo! Congrats on your anniversary! And how wonderful to meet Jen! I'm sure you girls had tons of fun together!

  2. Happy Anniversary! I am so jealous that you not only are there... I've only been to Oahu, but I am sure they are all equally AMAZING, but that you got to meet up with Jen, I too have followed her since I've followed you :) I hope you girls had a blast!!! Take care, and enjoy yourself & your Husband! Have a safe flight home!
    - Jaime

  3. Awww! Look at you two! You look beautiful! And I love Enriques' Maile Lei! I was thinking of you guys today, hoping you had a wonderful Anniversary! I had so much fun yesterday - lots of good laughs and good gossip! ;-) I'm hoping we can get together this weekend with all of us!! I'll call you in a day or 2. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!

  4. Happy 10th Wedding Anniversary Anthonette! I love your beautiful Hawaiian wedding photo, and your son's name (and translation). Thanks for sharing this special story.


  5. Congratulations!! Love your blog, your projects are amazing. Thanks for your visit to my blog and your sweet comment.

    Have a great day!!

  6. Happy Anniversary and many more!!!

  7. Happy Belated Anniversary ... such a beautiful place to be married & you look so happy! Great pics.

  8. Happy Anniversary Anthonette! So special to celebrate together at the place of your Marriage! My hubby and i went to Hawaii for our Honeymoon and also spent a week in Maui, such a beautiful place! So exciting you also got to meet up with Jen Tapler....woo hoo! Wishing you all a fabulous time together, Love Keesh x


Thanks for the kind words!