Saturday, October 11, 2008

Week 10 Voting Open for Designer Handbag Inspiration Challenge

The voting is now open for week 10 of the Designer Handbag Inspiration Challenge on Theresa's blog. Today and tomorrow (until 7 PM CST on Sunday*) you can vote for my entry on her blog by adding a comment to the following blog entry. I would also like to encourage all of you to enter the competition next week. At most, there has been 3 entries. Theresa has great blog candy each week, plus there is a larger prize at the end of the 12 weeks. It's challenging, but fun! Thanks, Anthonette

* Thanks to Kristina Werner for pointing out this time conversion website. For readers outside of Theresa's timezone in the USA, select October 12, 2008 and 7:00 PM. Select USA - Minnesota - St. Paul (Theresa's timezone) for the first location. Then, put in your location/time zone and press Convert time.

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Thanks for the kind words!