Friday, October 10, 2008

Altered Starbucks Gift Card Holder

Recently, you'll notice I'm a bit obsessed with making gift card holders. Just in the last 2 weeks, I've posted a few entries: here and here.

When Theresa posted this Elaine Turner Tote for week 10 of the Designer Handbag Inspiration Challenge, I loved the enormous flowers. I didn't want to do a card this week, but I couldn't decide what I wanted to create.

I went to Costco on Wednesday (the same day Theresa posted this challenge). Costco is now selling packs of Starbucks gift cards. I bought some and loved the nice vanilla cardstock gift card holder they came in. The holder also had some velvety texture on them. I took apart the gift card holder and traced it onto some designer paper...not a good idea. The paper I used was not thick enough for the project. When I was thinking about Theresa's challenge, it came to me that the gift card holder was vanilla colored...just like the inspiration handbag. That's when I realized I wanted to alter the gift card holder.

I started by taking a large dinner plate and using it as a template to cut a nice curve off the top. I used the SU Die-cut Blooms as a template to cut flowers in other colors. I used various circle punches and also cut circles by hand to get the effect I wanted.

The following collage shows the gift card AFTER and BEFORE I did anything to it. Thanks for looking! Voting starts tomorrow morning on Theresa's blog. Have a good weekend.
Gift Card Ingredients:
Stamps: Fresh Cuts
Paper: Basic black, Green Galore (I brayered the ink onto cardstock, since I didn't have any Green Galore), So Saffron, Very Vanilla, Soft Sky, black glossy, fushia, Starbucks gift card holder
Ink: ColorBox Frost White
Other: White embossing powder, tan ribbon (blog candy from Theresa), black/white ribbon (Michael's), silver snap (Making Memories), felt flower (Making Memories), dimensionals, Martha Stewart black marker


  1. What a creative idea! You are smokin'! I wouldn't have thought of using all those paper punches. I would have attempted to reproduce the flowers using the many bold flower stamps that I have, which may or may not produce the desired effect.

  2. Love the flowers, very cute!! =)

  3. I LOVE LOVE love what you did with this!!

  4. What an amazing project Anthonette!!! I just voted for YOU!!!! because you totally rocked this challenge - as you do every week!!! Can't wait to see what you come up with next week! Sending you a ton of happy wishes and sunshine!!
    :) Sankari

  5. Can I just say that after a VERY brief tour of your blog (I shall be back for more soon...) that I LOVE everything you do? You're amazing!!!

  6. This is awesome! YOu're so clever to make your own gift card holder! You totally nailed this challenge! The 3-D flowers look awesome, the colors are right on! Love it!

  7. OMG! you are just too talented it!


Thanks for the kind words!