Thursday, December 16, 2010

Want a $25 Kiva Gift Card?

Hi everyone,
In the holiday spirit, I'd like to give away a $25 gift card to Kiva to any of my readers (US or international). What is Kiva? It's my favorite micro-lending website. You can choose to loan $25 to entrepreneur(s) anywhere in the world. Here's a video from Kiva to explain how Kiva works:

Fellow paper crafter, Savitri Wilder, also makes loans through Kiva.

This year, Oprah chose Kiva as one of her "Favorite Things 2010". I first heard about Kiva on Oprah's show back in June of 2007. I've been making micro-loans through Kiva ever since. Kiva has an extremely high success rate of people paying back their loans. When the money is paid back, you can reloan the money or withdraw the money from Kiva. In the 66 loans my family and I have made, only 2 entrepreneurs have only partially paid back the $25 each; that's an amazing number.

What do you have to do? Just enter a comment below before Monday, December 20th at 11:59 PM PST. I'll use my version of (my son, Kalino) to pick a winner on Tuesday. The gift card will be emailed to the winner. Good luck!


  1. We {heart} Kiva!! This is an amazing offer Anthonette! What a fabulous and generous way to celebrate the season! Much Aloha to your family!!

  2. This is AWESOME! I think I learned of Kiva thru Vit, too. :) Love it... Thanks for doing this, deary! Merry Christmas!

  3. Kiva is amazing!!!! I hope that I can win this gift card to give for Christmas. It's like two gifts in one, one gift to my brother and one to the entrepreneur he picks!!!

  4. I love how Kiva can help on such a large scale all the while individual contributers can see how they're really helping out with everyday people!

  5. Great idea for a seasonal giveaway. Thanks for doing it!

  6. What a great idea!

    My hubby and I are giving each other one as holiday presents!

  7. I love Kiva. It's truly a gift that keeps on giving.

  8. If you want to make a difference won't you pleases consider joining my KIVA team Together we can change lives. Merry Christmas to all - jimmy

  9. Wow! I'd want that! Pick me Kalino! :) Great way to promote Kiva!

  10. Awwww, so sweet to do this giveaway!!! I need to catch up with you though!! :P


Thanks for the kind words!