Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

To all my American friends and family, Happy Thanksgiving (Feliz Día de Gracias)!

This little Pilgrim-inspired creation was a make-n-take I got to create at the A Muse store when I visited Seattle 3 weeks ago. Wouldn't this design make a cute place setting card?

This week, I've already done some prep work for the Thanksgiving meal. Yesterday I picked up my already-cooked turkey from Boston Market. I hate handling raw meat, especially a large turkey. This is the second year where I've left the job of baking the turkey to the professionals. 

I love the pumpkin pies from Costco, so I didn't bake my own. I thought I was smart by showing up right after they opened the store on Tuesday. Everyone one else had the same idea. Yikes, it was extremely busy! I had to park far away. I was glad to get out of there. I hate shopping, especially for food. I wish I had an assistant who could do all my shopping.
Last night, I made Pioneer Woman's mashed potato recipe. So good! Did you see Ree on Bobby Flay's Throwdown show last week? She beat him and these mashed potatoes are a big reason why. They have butter, cream cheese, and half & half. Awesome!

I also made a cranberry orange walnut relish from this recipe. I was going to make my mom's recipe, but I decided to try this new one. I like it when I sampled it.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. thatta girl...I hate handling raw stuff too...creeps me out...

    Sweet make 'n take!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  2. Feliz Dia de Gracias a tu tambien! Love all your posts, especially this pilgrim card. Thanks for visiting my blog (ages ago) and hope you visit again soon!

  3. Awesome card! So creative! Hope you had a great day!

  4. Hope you and yours had an amazing Thanksgiving Anthonette! I love, love, love your design - perfect for a place setting or for the front of a bag.

  5. Adorable! Love it!

    Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving! We didn't have as many leftovers as we had thought, so we didn't get turkey-ed out. We decided to do another turkey dinner for Christmas! LOL! =)


Thanks for the kind words!