Sunday, August 1, 2010

Birthday Wishes, Kalino!

Today, my favorite Little Guy turns 7! Yikes, where has the time gone? He'll be in second grade at the end of the month.

Today, we're having his Star Wars themed birthday party at my parent's house.

I used my Silhouette to cut the Hero Arts birthday wishes design. I used this card by Kristina as my inspiration to fill the candle and letter with scraps of ribbon. The number 7 stamp is a Martha Stewart stamp. The stamped and embossed So Saffron half circle was a scrap on my desk. Oh, the continuing saga of cleaning off my desk! It will never end.

We'll I didn't get a chance to finish making invitations for Kalino's party, but here's my starting point. I downloaded several free Star Wars fonts and just used Picasa to write on top of the photo.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. SUCH a cutie pie....great birthday card...wonderful colors! happy b-day to your boy!

  2. He's looking more and more like a little man Anthonette! And such a handsome little man, too!! Hau'oli la Hanau (Happy Birthday) Kalino!! May the force be with you! ;-)

  3. love this card and love what you did with your silhouette. i've yet to incorporate any text designs onto my cards - thanks for the inspiration!

  4. Awww, look at him!! Happy late birthday little man!!!


Thanks for the kind words!