Friday, July 16, 2010

Thanks - Made From Items Already on My Desk

I've been in a cleaning frenzy recently. I got tired of my desk being so overloaded with stuff. My actual work area was smaller than a sheet of paper. I've been sorting, purging, and discovering a lot of half-completed cards.

For the next week, I'll be posting cards that are literally made from scraps found on my desk. This cute little robot was already stamped, inked, and even had dimensional adhesive on the back! This card base is small (3x4 inches) and was already cut; same thing with the Cosmo Cricket paper and Papertrey Ink scraps. Even the tiny nut was on my desk; I'm telling you people, it's like an archaeological dig on my desk! The only newly-stamped piece was the cute little Thanks stamp from Lawn Fawn that was included as a little gift in my order. Thanks, Kelly Marie!

We are enjoying our visit with our friends from Austin, who used to live here. Today is their daughter's 7th birthday. We are having a party tomorrow with our closest friends. Have a great weekend!

Card Ingredients:
Stamps: Space Ships & Robots (My Cute Stamps), Thanks (Lawn Fawn)
Paper: SU!, Papertrey Ink, and Cosmo Cricket scraps
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black (Tsukineko), Baja Breeze (SU!)
Tools: none
Other: Tombow Mono Multi Medal Liquid Glue, foam tape (3M), nut


  1. very very cute Anthonette, I really like the card, so boyish, something my talents lacks, boyness :) amazing what you end up finding once you tidy up, i even feel more creative when my craft area is spic and span :)


  2. Such a super cutie pie card!!!

  3. Yay! I love cards made from leftover parts, that's what I call them! This is super cuteness!

    Have fun with your friends!

  4. Such a sweet card Anthonette. I even have that stamp set, so thank you for inspiring me to get it out!


    PS. Know what you mean about the diminishing desk space. Good on you for being proactive in clearing it away...maybe I should try that too!

  5. I would like to exchange links with your site
    Is this possible?


Thanks for the kind words!