Saturday, June 12, 2010

Happy Birthday, Sweetie!

Hola! Today is a special day in our house; my Sweetie and I are celebrating our shared birthday. We didn't plan anything big, since yesterday I was sick. I had a fever for most of the day. The only other symptom was my ears were more clogged than usual (I have seasonal allergies). I woke up fine this morning. It there such a thing as a 1-day flu? Weird.

The guys and I had an early dinner and thanks to The Pioneer Woman, I ordered the best mojito! She showed some photos yesterday and I guess I had mojitos on the brain.

I used the colors from Kristina's Readers' Choice Color Inspiration No. 3 to create this card. I also drew design inspiration from a card on page 11 of the Stampin' Up Summer Mini Catalog.


Card Ingredients (All Stampin' Up Except Where Noted)
Stamps: All Holidays, Butterfly Prints, I {Heart} Hearts, Background Basics: Woodgrain (Papertrey Ink)
Paper: Chocolate Chip, Very Vanilla, Certainly Celery, Pale Plum
Ink: Chocolate Chip, Eggplant Envy, VersaMark (Tsukineko)
Tools: Big Shot with Fillable Frames #3 die (Papertrey Ink), heat gun, Tim Holtz Distressor
Other: Chocolate Chip/Vanilla ribbon, clear embossing powder, Old Olive button, foam tape (3M)


  1. Happy Birthday Anthonette! to you and your hubby. Hope you both have a lovely day. Cheers!

  2. Happy Birthday to both you and your husband! I hope you get spoiled, or spoil each other!

  3. Felicidades Anthonette y que te mejores!! Tu tarjeta esta preciosa!

  4. Oh my love with this card!!!

    Oh, almost forgot, Happy Birthday!!! Hope it's a memorable one!!!

  5. Happy Birthday to both of you! Hope you feel better!!
    LOVE the card!!

  6. Awesome card, Anthonette! Happy Birthday! I'm glad you're feeling better for your special day. =)

  7. So pretty! Love all the elements you combined!

  8. Hi Anthonette! Happy Birthday!!! I think this card is fabulous! I love the embossed woodgrain!!!! :D

  9. such a lovely color combination!

  10. Oh my, this is stunning!! You nailed the challenge, a winner for sure! Happy Belated Birthday and I hope you are feeling better!


Thanks for the kind words!