Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Thank You a Hybrid Card

Hi everyone! I hope your January day is going well, whether you live a brutal cold climate or in the warmth of the southern hemisphere. I'm drinking some hot tea to take the chill away from this cooler California night.

Here's a hybrid card using some great digi papers from Sweet Shoppe Designs called Cheery Glen by Misty Cato.

These papers are awesome! I've got more cards to show you using this pack. It's a very versatile set with a variety of colors and patterns.

I also got to use some new Papertrey Ink goodies. The Thank You stamp is from the Big & Bold Wishes set by Papertrey Ink. I won this set from Courtney Baker for this card I created that incorporated toothpicks. That was a fun challenge. Thanks, Courtney!

Card Ingredients
(Edited to Add: forgot to mention what paper I used to print out the digi designs. It's HP Brochure Paper. Thanks for the question, Ashley!)

Stamps: Big & Bold Wishes (PTI)
Paper: Kraft (SU!), Cheery Glen by Misty Cato (Sweet Shoppe Designs), Matte Brochure Paper (HP)

Ink: Chestnut Roan Chalk Ink (ColorBox)
Other: rope (SU!), rhinestones (Michael's), foam tape


  1. Love the colors and layout of this card! I also really thought your toothpick card was great.

  2. Great use of the digi-paper! Very nice card!

  3. That's one sweet paper set!! I want to do that one now although I prob. should do something else, huh since you showed case her kit so so well? :)

  4. thanks so much for the congrats! love the colors you picked for this card :)

  5. Another awesome card!!! I'm loving these hybrids :)


Thanks for the kind words!