Thursday, March 31, 2011

Messy Crafters Anonymous

Is there such a group (Messy Crafters Anonymous) and is there a 12-step program for us? I loved Kristina's latest blog post about real crafters making real messes. I definitely can make a big mess in a short time. Do I love the mess? Definitely not! Do I save too many scraps? Yes. I clean up and put things away once I can't stand it anymore and I can't find basic tools. My crafting time is very limited, so putting things away and tidying up are not on the top of my To Do list most days.

Here is my desk right now. I'm not even showing you the floor, sister, but I think you get the picture. Haha!

Are you going to show your crafting space?


  1. I don't see a pic of your craft room ;-)
    When I get home... I'll post mine. It is always messy and I'm always organizing! It's a never ending task!


  2. Great space, looks well loved. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Oh how I adore you, my dear! Yes, this I know.....

    Amen to everything you said!

  4. OH MY GOSH! I thought I was the ONLY one! Thank you for sharing this picture!!!!!! My desk looks like this about 90% of the time!

  5. that's how work spaces are supposed to look like!

  6. Guess what!? You will get to find out IN PERSON what my space looks like in about a week!!! :-) YAY. So I'm not posting a picture. I don't think anyone but you wants to know anyway! ha!

  7. i like your doesn't look out of control,hahaha

  8. Wow! Your desk looks just like mine when I'm working on a project/projects. And I thought I was the only one!!!! :)


Thanks for the kind words!