Friday, April 3, 2009

A Huge Thanks

Before I get into the serious reason I created this card, let me tell you about creating my own rub ons....easy!

Earlier this week, I purchased one of
Kristina's digital kits. Don't we all love her? I love all the new stuff she's coming up with. I wish I had a digital cutter. Around the same time, I saw the following YouTube video from CK Media Online on how to create your own rub ons.

I printed the "thanks" on an acetate sheet (telling my printer that it was a t-shirt transfer, so it would print a mirror image of the word). I rubbed the word onto kraft cardstock. See...easy. The ink looks more blue than black and the letters are not as solid, but I like that effect.

On a serious note...
A week ago today was the scariest afternoon for my son, Kalino, and myself. Kalino had a bike accident (he turned a sharp left while going too fast down a ramp). He lost control and had a terrible fall. We were on our way to the park. I knew that wounds on the face bleed profusely, but it was shocking to witness. I knew that a bandage would not fix this. It broke my heart when kept asking if he was going to survive. I kept reassuring him that he would be fine. I was thankful that he was wearing dark blue clothing. It camouflaged all the blood from his forehead.
I can handle watching surgeries on TV. I don't get grossed out too easily, but my son's accident scared me. I called 911. He didn't pass out, but I was afraid he broke something and I was afraid of a head injury. I didn't want to move him. His entire knee looked terrible. It was a horrible and helpless time. After Natasha Richardson's death from a minor skiing accident, I think we are all more aware of the dangers of a bump on the head.
Three EMTs from my local Fire Department arrived within minutes. They were great at talking to Kalino. They asked him about SpongeBob and whether he liked Tom or Jerry best. They cleaned him up and told me that he definitely needed stitches on his forehead. He didn't need an ambulance, but he needed to get to the emergency room. Nothing was broken, but he might need a CAT scan. I was warned about the head injury signs to look for. My husband picked us up and off we went. Five hours and 5 stitches later, we got out of the hospital. I'm thankful to those 3 men. They decreased my stress and worry within minutes. I'll be forever thankful to them. The next day, my husband examined Kalino's bike helmet. You can see a small dent on the helmet. It definitely protected him from a more serious injury. Within 48 hours, Kalino was doing great. He was able to run with my husband. The stitches were taken out yesterday. He did great. It looks like it didn't hurt.
Card Ingredients
Stamps: none
Paper: Kraft, Maine Blueberry DSP (SU!)
Ink: my printer
Tools: scalloped scallop edge punch (EK Success)
Other: Old Olive polytwill ribbon, ribbon charm (Making Memories)


  1. So glad to hear your little guy is okay. Love your card, too, especially the hardware tied into the ribbon.

  2. Thanks god everyday for making your boy well! I had tears in my eyes when i read "will i survive".
    your card is sweet and simple... will come back later to comment.
    take care, prayers for your son.

  3. Oh my, I'm so glad your son is okay! I can't imagine how terrifying that was!

    Love your card and thanks for sharing that making rub-ons tip, I've never heard of that!

  4. thanks for sharing that video with us. i just might try it :) the rub ons looks great as well as your card.

    very happy to know that yer son is doing alright. I don't have kids so never experienced such an unfortunate experience but I could imagine the scare, but again thank goodness he's doing much better!!

    Clouds :o)

  5. Thank God your son is alright!!! After N. Richardson's death, I cringe everythime I think of how many times my son has fallen head first. I would have called an ambulence as well. Sending lots of hugs and kisses to you and your son!!!!


Thanks for the kind words!