Friday, November 28, 2008

Holiday Wishes

Hope all my American friends had a great Thanksgiving! We did. I made it easier on myself. I ordered the basics (whole turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, and cornbread from Boston Market...yeah! Only took 90 minutes to heat up the turkey. I baked pies and made the veggies and cranberries. My sister-in-law brought the sweet potatoes. It wasn't stressful and the cleanup was easy. OK, on to the card...

I struggled with this! My mojo was gone. And I barely published it in time with Mr. Linky! Everything kept going wrong...embossing powder spill, cutting the wrong sizes of cardstock...ugh! This card is for Kristina's Color Inspiration #32.
The only place I used Very Vanilla was the cardstock for the star. You can barely see it. It was hard combining Whisper White with Very Vanilla in a way that looked pleasing to me.
My heart goes out to the people in Mumbai and family members abroad. I can't help but watch CNN and remember 9/11.
Thanks for looking!
Card Ingredients
Stamps: Holiday Collection
Paper: Silver foil paper (Only the Best Los Gatos), Riding Hood Red, Riding Hood Red DSP, Very Vanilla
Ink: VersaMark
Other: silver embossing powder, foam tape, Riding Hood Red Taffeta ribbon, Making Memories rhinestone brad


  1. your card is simply beautiful anthonette - love the boldness of the red and the silver star - just lovely!

  2. Your card is wonderful. I can't believe you didn't have mojo as it's great.

    I have a friend who has a vacation booked to go to India in January and I am worried that she might still go. Guess time will tell.

  3. i love your card simple but elegant!!

  4. My word this is gorgeous Anthonette! You rocked it!!

  5. Beautiful card! It caught my eye as I was doing my morning blogging. It looks warm and cozy! Since I have all the supplies I must make my own! Thanks for Sharing!

  6. WHOA - this is gorgeous!!! That silver paper is purrrrfect.

  7. I just saw that you posted the details of your card - and i can't EVER believe that you would lose Mojo - because girl, every single card of yours ROCKS and oooooooozzzes creativity! love all your work!!

    thanks so much for your comment - i know what you mean about running out of time - its been that way out here too! would love to see Kalino's card! hope you have a chance to play this week!

    you are just the awesomest!!!
    best wishes,
    sankari :)

  8. Great card... love the way you used the combo colours!

  9. this is simply stunning, Anthonette :)


Thanks for the kind words!