Saturday, October 4, 2008

Week 9 Voting Open for Designer Handbag Inspiration Challenge

Happy World Cardmaking Day, everyone! The voting is now open for week 9 of the Designer Handbag Inspiration Challenge on Theresa's blog. Today and tomorrow (until 7 PM CST on Sunday*) you can vote for my entry on her blog by adding a comment to the following blog entry. I would also like to encourage all of you to enter the competition next week. Theresa has great blog candy each week, plus there is a larger prize at the end of the 12 weeks. It's fun! Thanks, Anthonette

* Thanks to Kristina Werner for pointing out this time conversion website. For readers outside of Theresa's timezone in the USA, select October 5, 2008 and 7:00 PM. Select USA - Minnesota - St. Paul (Theresa's timezone) for the first location. Then, put in your location/time zone and press Convert time.

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Thanks for the kind words!