Monday, September 8, 2008

Making a Halloween Card

Kalino's teacher asked all the parents to practice at home with using glues and scissors. He needs to be able to use Elmer's glue and glue sticks. He's never used liquid glue.

He's always loved using my paper punches, so he punched a bunch of bats and some white scalloped squares. While I was getting more supplies in my studio, he opened the Elmer's glue without me knowing. I came back to his desk to find bats drowned in glue. You could barely see any black cardstock! This is why we are practicing. He repunched more bats and more white squares. I showed him how to use Elmer's glue to glue the bats to the white squares. We let that dry and then he used a glue stick to glue the white squares to the card.
He didn't want the Happy Halloween stamp. He decided he wanted a stamp that says Boo! I don't have a stamp that says that. I'm seriously lacking in Halloween stamps. I never buy any because I usually don't have time to make any cards. I have individual letters that I mounted on an acrylic block. Here's his final card.

Have a good week everyone!

Card Ingredients
Stamps: Martha Stewart
Paper: Basic Black, white, glossy paper (brayer with orange ink)
Ink: Basic Black, Memories orange
Other: Elmer's glue & glue stick, Martha stewart bat punch, SU scalloped square punch


  1. Oh how great!!!! That's just too too nice! LOVE it! Great job, great job!!

  2. Holy Cow Kalino!! AWESOME card, kid!!! Anthonette, no kidding, I was JUST telling my hubby last night that I couldn't wait until Dean was old enough to do crafty projects with me...but I have to be honest and say I was imagining tacky pipe cleaners, googly eyes, and fuzzy ball animals - not amazing cards that I'd actually be happy to claim as my own!! WOW!!! sooo cute!!!

  3. O my, I just love your blog. I'm glad to see you use the Spanish SU! stamps! I love the pic of you son w/ his jersey (is that the Chivas one?) Great ideas and awesome blog!!!!

  4. Darling! The creative gene must run in your family! He did a great job!

  5. My daughter is in Pre-K this year and her teachers is teaching them to go: "Dot. Dot. Not a Lot." for the glue... maybe you could do that too?

  6. Well I guess you could say that TALENT runs in the family! He's on his way to some Ivy league art school if you ask me! Don't let him be a doctor or lawyer...make him be an artist so he can follow in him mommy's footsteps! Gorgeous card. And what a sweet momment! I admire your parenting skillz! Hugs, Jenn

  7. how cute...that means, you have to buy Halloween stamp set for him =)


Thanks for the kind words!