Monday, May 5, 2008

Cool Stuff From Maker Faire

I spent all day yesterday with my Sweeties at Maker Faire in San Mateo. Two words....loved it!!!! It truly had major fun stuff for all 3 of us: robots, arts, crafts, science experiments, lightning indoors produced by Tesla coils. This event was huge. Adam Savage from MythBusters gave a talk. Ryan from Top Chef also gave a presentation. The Diet Coke & Mentos guys were there with this same YouTube presentation.

I did 3 make-n-takes:

  • Season Leaves necklace at the Ponoko booth
  • Played with Sticklers and used Glaze and Souffle pens at the Sakura booth. I got a gift of Sumo Sticklers and 3 pens. I had never used them before. They dry on glass, ceramic, electronics, etc.
  • Made this notepad at the Hambly Screen Prints booth. I spent some money here. I loved the paper, acetate overlays, and rub-ons from this company. I can't believe they are located only a few miles from my house.
We are definitely going to make this an annual event for our family. Maker Faire is held in Austin, TX in the Fall (October 18-19) for those of you who live in that area (yes, you, Raul, Judy, and Lauren)!

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